Mainly Music Registration (Mainly Music注册表)
* required 项为必填项
Child's Name 儿童姓名
Child's First Name (名字) and Last Name (姓)
First name
Last name
Ethnicity 族群
Gender 性别
Female 女
Male 男
Date of Birth 出生日期
Medical / dietary / special needs 医疗需求或特殊需求
Yes 是
No 否
Please detail medical concern here 请将具体的医疗需求或特殊需求列在下面
Is there anything you would like us to know about this child? 关于您的孩子,还有什么事情需要我们了解?
+ Add another
- Remove
In our family we also have children who don't attend Mainly Music
我们家里还有未参与Mainly Music活动的儿童:
Not yet at school 未上学
At school 已上学
Teenagers 青少年
Parent Information 家长信息
Parent 1 name 父/母姓名
Cell phone number of Parent 1 父(母)/第一照看人手机号码
Email address for Parent 1 父(母)/第一照看人电子邮箱
Home phone number 家庭电话
Home street number and name 家庭住址(街道及门牌号)
Suburb 所属区域
Postcode 邮政编码
City 城市
Parent 2 name
Does parent 2 also live at the above address? 父(母)/第二照看人是否在上述地址居住?
Yes 是
No 否
Cell phone number of Parent 2 第二照看人手机号码
Email address: Parent 2 父(母)/第二照看人电子邮箱
Caregiver Details 照看人信息
Please fill in this section if the child(ren) detailed above will usually attend with someone other than their parents eg Granparent, family friend or paid child-carer
如果儿童随除父母以外的人(如祖父母,家人或者其他照看人)一起参加Mainly Music的活动,请填写相关信息
Caregiver's Name 照看人姓名
Caregiver's cell phone number 照看人手机号码
Caregiver's email address 照看人电子邮箱
Home street number and name 家庭住址(街道及门牌号)
Suburb 所属区域
Postcode 邮政编码
City 城市
Parent/ caregiver agreement 父母/照看人同意
I give permission for photos of my child(ren) taken by the leaders of Avonhead Mainly Music during our session to be used for the purpose of a photo board or promotion within St Christopher's Church or on our closed Avonhead Mainly Music Facebook Group - in a way that doesn't identify the child(ren).
我同意Avonhead Mainly Music项目负责人为我的孩子拍照/拍摄的视频,照片和视频在不指名的情况下被用于St. Christopher教会的宣传或Avonhead Mainly Music Facebook活动页面
I am responsible for notifying the program leaders of any changes in circumstance or contact/ medical details
有任何情况、联系人或医疗需求改变的时候,我有义务告知Avonhead Mainly Music项目负责人
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